Tu carrito

Capturing the unmistakable bouquet of a delicate white wine, Chardonnay fragrance is a crisp blend of white grapes and lemon with a heart of juicy pear and sweet peach followed by a familiar oak base.

The Sonoma Collection of soy candles are all-natural and hand-poured with 100% natural soy, phthalates-free, and parabens-free wax. Cotton wicks with no preservatives

Soy wax burns slower and cooler than paraffin, resulting in a longer, more consistently burning candle. We use premium soybean vegetable products for our candles that are naturally biodegradable and non-toxic.

The Sonoma Tumbler Collection is inspired by California wine country; our Sonoma Tumblers provide the unique, trendy look of a wine bottle made with thick, seamless glass— similar to a wine bottle—and have a nice heavy weight to them.

Material: Glass, Translucent, Clear

Sonoma Jar (12 oz.)

Size: H 4.0625” W 3.5”

Weight: 1.5 lbs.

Hand Made in USA by Chiweshe

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Product Reviews

It's probably my all time favorite scent!

AmyApricot Grove

A very homey scent, I think guests would love it.

DApricot Grove

Definitely smell the apricot, but there is a lot of earthy greenness.

HeatherApricot Grove

This one smells just like the name. Reminds me of strolling through an apricot grove.

AllisonApricot Grove

Very Nice! This is a great scent and the names appropriate and descriptive!

StacieApricot Grove

Authentic apricot scent! Smells like fresh apricots!

Chris WApricot Grove

This scent reminds me of Summers at my grandmas.

Christina HApricot Grove

Really enjoy this! The scent is amazing!

AlicenApricot Grove